Christian Formation

Children and Youth at Grace

We are always happy to have children and teens in worship here at Grace Church! And we welcome anyone of any age to communion. In former days in the Episcopal Church, the practice was to wait until you were confirmed as a teenager to receive communion. Today, even young children are welcome to receive the sacrament. Of course, that choice is up to the parents – your children are welcome to receive the bread and wine or a blessing from the priest. Below you will find what we offer for children and youth here at Grace Church. Please feel free to ask questions!

Child Care (up to age 3) is available in the nursery every Sunday from 8:45 a.m. until 12:45. Our nursery is staffed by two child care providers who are trained and licensed. Please see an usher who will help you find the way to the nursery, and please feel free as well to come and go during the service to take your children to the nursery whenever it’s helpful to your family.

Sunday School (ages 4 to 12) occurs during the 10 a.m. service. The children begin the service with their families and then process out together with the Sunday School teachers just before the first Scripture reading. On the second Sunday of each month, the children are in church with their families, and the rector preaches a children’s homily that day.

Youth Group (ages 13-18) gathers twice a month on Sundays at 10 a.m. to grow closer to God and each other. Anyone in between the 6th and 12th grades is welcome to join us for faith, fellowship and fun. 

Our Sunday School uses the Living the Good News curriculum, a lectionary-based (i.e., following the readings that are read in church on that Sunday) approach to Christian education. For how to find our Sunday School on Sunday morning, ask an usher to show you the way.  If you have any questions about the Sunday School or Youth Group, feel free ask the rector or email  We hope you’ll join us!