Prayer Requests

“If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together.”
~ 1 Corinthians 12:26

At its heart, intercession is asking prayers of God, for a person, a place, or a particular situation. Although usually meant for/ on the behalf of others, intercession can include praying for one’s own needs too. If you wish to add a name to our Prayer List, please use the form below.

If you have any urgent pastoral needs, please call the Parish Office at 401-331-3225, and you will be put in touch with and/or be able to leave a message for a priest.

Prayer Request Submission Form
  • Submit a name or names to be added to our Prayer List which is read aloud during our Sunday morning services as part of the intercessory Prayers of the People. To submit a prayer request for someone who has died please include "The family and friends of..." or "for the repose of the soul of..."
  • Name of person submitting the Prayer Request