Sunday Mornings

The Holy Eucharist, also known as the Mass or Holy Communion, is central to our worship as Episcopalians. On Sunday mornings, Grace Church has two opportunities for worshippers to eat and drink of the Body and Blood of Christ as well as hear the Word of God in the reading of scripture and the preaching of a sermon.

Spoken Holy Eucharist

At 8:00 AM, we offer a quiet, reflective celebration of Holy Communion held in the Chancel, near the High Altar. The congregation sits in the choir stalls and all portions of the service are spoken. 

Sung/ Choral Holy Eucharist

Our 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist (Rite II) with music features our organ and highly regarded choir. The hymns and and some service music are sung by all, giving the congregation to lend their singing voice to worship. On special occasions throughout the year, the Choir sings a choral setting of the mass (Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus & Benedictus, and Agnus Dei). The Choir of Grace Church, often joined by the Grace Church Choristers, regularly offers an Offertory Anthem and Communion Motet and the organists play voluntaries before and after the service. Details on the music planned for the choral season can be found in the Music at Grace booklet found on the table in the rear of the church or available for download here. Child-care is provided in the Nursery (beginning at 8:45am until after the service) and Coffee Hour, a time of fellowship and refreshments in The Pavilion, follows the service. We hope you join us!

Sunday School

During the regular program year (September through May) children, ages 4 through 5th Grade, are heartily welcome to participate in Church School during the 10am Holy Eucharist.  Please contact Vivian Trutzl, Director of Children & Youth via email ( for more details.