Liturgical Ministries

Members of Grace Church serve in multiple ministries that support our Sunday worship. These include the following listed below. If you are interested in being a part of any of these ministries, please email David Heinze, Associate Director of Music at 

  • Lectors, who read the Old Testament and New Testament readings.
  • Intercessor, who leads the Congregation in the Prayers of the People.
  • Chalice Bearers, who distribute wine during Holy Communion and assist the priest at the altar.
  • Crucifers, who light the altar candles, carry the Processional Cross and provide other help to the priest during the service.
  • Altar Guild, who set up the altar for worship and clean up after the service.
  • Torch Bearers, who carry processional candles during worship, accompanying the Crucifer.
  • Ushers, who greet and welcome people as they arrive, distributing Service Bulletins and escorting them to pews.
  • Greeters, who greet people when they arrive at church for services.
  • Coffee Hour Servers, who help out with Coffee Hour following worship.
  • Lay Eucharistic Visitors: LEV’s are members of Grace Church who are tasked with bringing communion to our home-bound parishioners once a month.
  • Thurifers, carry the thurible and incense during Choral Evensong and other special services.